The element air symbolizes what we want to protect from

Anti Corrosion Product Range:

Jokisch Koria Nefo 24.24

Long term corrosion protection wax, that guarantees very long lasting protection, even under adverse condition like sea-transport

Jokisch Koria Nefo 06.00

Film forming corrosion protection oil, with excellent water displacing properties.

Jokisch Koria Nefo 60.12

Suitable for the corrosion protection of metal and machine parts of all kind, which are stored temporarily or become deposited. A solvent-based, water displacing anticorrosive, which leaves a waxy protective film once the solvent has evaporated

Jokisch Koria Nefo 12.06

Builds a thin, vaseline like, self healing protective film. Ensures an excellent water displacing and coating (wetting) effect, protects from fingerprints